Art and Child prodigy

Yesterday I was feeling a little tired from the entire week of sleep debt. So last night, I decided to paint. I haven’t painted for almost a year because I couldn’t find inspiration but yesterday, I thought, heck it, I’ll just hold the brush and start painting. Who cares whether its ugly. There’s no right or wrong in art.Perhaps there’s art that’s not that good because of bad composition or something. But, there is no ugliness in art. Art is up to your interpretation and that’s the beauty of it.

And so I painted. It’s not very good because it’s so raw. but I’m glad I started painting again.

Today, I went to the Art District 798 in Beijing to buy more art supplies – cheap acrylic paint and canvas.

Very excited but I probably won’t start on anything till three weeks time because my next few weeks are fully occupied.

I know I paint better than the average person but not extremely well. Perhaps because of a lack of true talent or because I don’t practice enough. I believe that art is 20% talent and 80% skill. A lot of people think that they cannot paint, draw, sketch etc because they are not creative. But I honestly believe that everybody has a creative streak in them. For example, you might have never dabbled in painting but you are humorous. It definitely takes creativity to be humorous. Or you might have lots of business ideas. Or you are good in photography. I think sometimes people don’t come up with anything creative because they tell themselves that they are not creative. If you don’t believe you are, then you cannot be.

I was lucky in the sense that I was put into art classes since I was a kid. And I was constantly told by my art teachers that I had a creative streak in me. Whether it is true or not is not the point. But because people pointed it out, I believed that I had a creative mind.

So, go out there and draw, paint, write, blog, take photos or think of business ideas. You never know what you might come up with.

Also, I spent the last two hours or so surfing this child prodigy artist’s website. Her art is absolutely breathtaking. Not only is she technically good but what makes her stand out, is that her art is the result of her vivid imagination and visions. Her art represents the future or her interpretation of the world. Not many artists can paint like that. Not many artists can accurately paint how they feel or the visions and dreams they see.

Aside from painting, she also writes poetry, have published two poetry books and speak 4-5 languages. Some of her art pieces also sell up to USD $5 million. And she’s only 15 years old.

And here I am, thinking that learning an extra language is difficult. Shame on me #willnevercomplainagain

Here’s her website if you are interested –

About littlemisstrotter

Yet to come up with anything creative. For now, let's just say that my family name is not 'trotter'. I think of myself as a globe trotter, a world citizen. Here's to documenting my life, my thoughts and observations. I'm hoping to do so in different languages, English, Mandarin and Malay. Will see how I fare.
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